
Lewis Major: Triptych | Adelaide Fringe


From $30.00
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Following sell-out Edinburgh and international seasons, 'Triptych' arrives home to Adelaide in a unique collaboration between the rising star of Australian dance, Lewis Major & his mentors, legendary UK dancemakers Russell Maliphant & Hofesh Shechter.

A stunning mixed bill of repertoire pieces, including a new duet by Shechter, investigates various poetic possibilities, universal rhythms & cycles performed by Major's world-class dancers. A captivating evening of local & international dance, non-duality & connection between internal & external worlds, all set within a whirling maelstrom of movement, sound & light.
<p>An access and inclusion statement is available (make this available on your website).</p>


From $30.00 to $110.00
All transactions incur a $4.80 Transaction Fee.

'Community' Artwork by Gabriel Stengle


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