Maybe He's Born With It, Maybe It's ADHD (Premiere) | Adelaide Fringe
Stop what you are doing right now and pay attention!
Sound familiar?
It will if you're part of the 1 in 20 people who have been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
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This show explores a lifetime of experiences in living with ADHD to help understand family, friends, partners or colleagues with a condition.
You need to slow down!
To answer a very simple question.
Why can't you be like everyone else!
Read this before finishing? This show is for you.
Sound familiar?
It will if you're part of the 1 in 20 people who have been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Quit reading ahead!
This show explores a lifetime of experiences in living with ADHD to help understand family, friends, partners or colleagues with a condition.
You need to slow down!
To answer a very simple question.
Why can't you be like everyone else!
Read this before finishing? This show is for you.
<p>Caters for people who use a wheelchair.</p>
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