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Thrift shopping is an art of its own. Some are lucky, some think they’re lucky, but others take it to the next level. RaqCityArtz and Uniting Communities' You See Art are collaborating to disrupt the fashion industry with TEXTILE; a street parade and wearable art collection made from up-cycling clothing donated to Goodwill.

Raquel Larkins, recipient of a First Nations Creative Careers grant (funded by City of Adelaide and Arts South Australia), is a fast emerging artist of Kokatha, Dieri, Arabana and Narungga descent. Working with community artist Claire Wildish, this collection is turning the fashion industry upside down with its unique take on circular fashion.

Catch the Pitt Street parade from 5:00 pm with an accompanying street-side pop-up gallery.

This is an ADL Fashion Week 2024 event.
'Community' Artwork by Gabriel Stengle


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