Guru Dudu Silent Disco Classic City Walking Tours - Adelaide


From $22
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Guru Dudu's Silent Disco Walking Tours in the heart of Adelaide city are a unique way to see the sights of Adelaide, in a highly memorable experience.

Join one of their enigmatic 'Village People' hosts, as they lead you on a magical journey of play, love, laughter and all-round good times, where everyone wears headphones (supplied) and dance-walk-play your way through the city sharing a private soundscape, spontaneous dance-offs and special moments that enliven crowds wherever we go.

Think Flash-mob meets Flashdance. Part comedy, part dance, part uplifting city tour - all fun!

Their Silent Disco Walking Tours are a unique way to interact with the space around you. It features charismatic, professional guides, fun, high-vibe dance hits that everyone loves (including faves from the 70s to now), hilarious interactive commentary, and iconic city moments.

Their award-winning tours often sell out, so grab your friends and join the fun!

'Community' Artwork by Gabriel Stengle


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