The Morphetts - Cummins House and Woods Point: WEA Heritage Day Tour


From $169
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Sir John Morphett played a pivotal role in early SA.

He arrived on the Cygnet in 1836 with Colonel Light, explored the Adelaide Plains with Light, was the first non-official member of the Legislative Council, and was a politician for 35 years.

He worked as a land broker and took out 24,000 acres in the 1839 Special surveys, mostly for other investors but 6,000 acres was for himself.

He built one of the first three grand houses in SA in 1840 at Glenelg which we will tour with Devonshire tea. He also invested in mines hence Morphett’s Engine House at Burra.

We will also visit his main property at Woods Point where his sons developed a private town with experimental farms from 1880.

'Community' Artwork by Gabriel Stengle


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