
Wawi Buldu Walk

Yorke Peninsula

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The Wawi Buldu walking trail will give insight into the coastal environment that Nharangga people experience in daily life. The Nharangga people have developed ways to work with the land, sea, rivers, seasons, flora and fauna. The Wawi Buldu walking trail will highlight native foods and reflect on the Nharangga way of life in the Port Broughton region.

The trail combines 3 existing walking trails:

- Encounter Walking Trail - a short walk from the Port Broughton Jetty along West Terrace and John Lewis Drive.

- Port Broughton to Fisherman Bay Walk - from the Port Broughton Jetty to Fisherman Bay (a 6km coastal path with no signs). Use this guide to learn about Nharangga culture in the area.

- Snook Road Nature Walk - from Snook Road in Fisherman Bay to Arbon Road in Port Broughton (3km with signs) then Kerley Street and back along the Port Broughton to Fisherman Bay walk into town (3.5km)


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'Community' Artwork by Gabriel Stengle


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