
Pasadena Foodland Tours & Experiences


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Pasadena Foodland is Adelaide’s Finest supermarkets’ flagship store which is located in the suburb of Pasadena, 10 minutes south of the city.

Adelaide’s Finest – which includes Pasadena and Frewville Foodland - has twice been awarded the prestigious honour of World’s Best Supermarket.

The dynamic stores are owned and operated by the Chapley family which celebrates more than 70 years of retailing excellence and has successfully created thriving retail and hospitality hubs.

Pasadena Foodland is far more than a supermarket, with several eateries including a salumi bar, oyster bar, wood-fired oven zone, spice bar, flower shop and working patisserie.

Locale Food Tours are a natural progression for Pasadena Foodland which has become a tourist destination in its own right.
<p>Free Wifi</p>
'Community' Artwork by Gabriel Stengle


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